Our goal:
To empower businesses to reach out to their intended audiences for the purposes of marketing, making connections, and making the customer experience feel human again. The hadeda ibis is a bird whose call is heard across South Africa. Our philosophy in business is to make sure your business is heard, just as the call of the hadeda is.
Jason Eiserman
Founder and consultant at Hadeda Media
- Qualified professional
- Motivated by goals
- Driven by results
- Always open to learning
- Big fan of hadedas
Our Services
Social Media & Campaign Management
Advertising and managing your business over various forms of social media. Strategy is tailor made to fit the way your business operates and is focused on achieving the goals of your business
Proofreading involves reading copy and fixing any errors involving spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting.
Writing copy for your blogs, websites, emails, social accounts, and more.
Editing involves reading copy and editing the tone and voice of the writing, lengthening and shortening of sentences, and ensuring correct use of language to fit the document..